Unit 6 - Micro
(Market Failures and the Role of Government)
Socially Efficient and Inefficient Market Outcomes (6.1)
Socially Efficient and Inefficient Market Outcomes (6.1)
Market Output and Max Societal Surplus
Socially Efficient& Inefficient Market Outcomes Part 3
Socially Efficient& Inefficient Mkt Outcomes Part1
Socially Efficient& Inefficient Mkt Outcomes Part1-Take1 (Archive)
Productive, Distributive, and Allocative Efficiency (Part 2)
Externalities (6.2)
Externalities (6.2)
Externalities: An Introduction
Internalizing an Externality
Think Vertically - Even for Externalities
Externalities (6.2)
Externalities (6.2)
Externalities: Negative Externality from Consumption
Correcting Positive Externalities with Per-Unit Subsidy
Externalities: Neg. Externalities from Production
Externalities: Positive Externality from Consumption
Externalities : Neg. Production Ext. w/ Intervention
Positive Externality from Production
Public and Private Goods (6.3)
Public and Private Goods (6.3)
Public Goods - Another Market Failure
Types of Public Goods
Merit Goods - Another Market Failure
The Effects of Government Intervention in Different Mkt Structures (6.4)
The Effects of Government Intervention in Different Mkt Structures (6.4)
Perfect Competition and Per-Unit Taxes
Monopolies and Price Ceilings (Pc = Popt)
Monopoly and Per-Unit Taxes
Monopolies and Price Ceilings (a tabular approach)
Inequality (6.5)
Inequality (6.5)
The Lorenz Curve and Gini Coefficient
Infographic (Slot Notes)
Infographic (Slot Notes)