Unit 4 - Macro

(Financial Sector)


Financial Assets: (4.1)

A Thorough Introduction to Bonds
Intro to Financial Assets
Interest Rates & Bond Prices

Nominal vs Real Interest Rates:  (4.2)

The Nominal vs Real Interest Rate

Definition, Measurements, and Functions of Money:(4.3)

Money: Its Definition and Functions

The following videos apply to a LIMITED RESERVE FRAMEWORK (as the implementation regime)

The Money Multiplier


(4.4) cont.

Money Contraction (Money Destruction)

How Withdrawals Lead to Money Destruction
How an Open Market Sale Can Contract the MS

The Money Market:(4.5)


Money Market: Liquidity Preference Model (part 1)
Money Market: Liquidity Preference Model (part 2)
The Money Market and the Nominal Interest Rate

The following videos apply to an AMPLE RESERVE FRAMEWORK (as the implementation regime)

Monetary Policy: Implementing with An Ample Reserve Framework
How the IORB and ON RRP Administered Rates Set the Floor for the Federal Funds Rate
The Demand for Reserves Curve
The Overnight Reverse Repo Facility
The Reservation Rate and Arbitrage Mechanism
The Ample Reserve Framework in One Video

Monetary Policy:  (4.6)

These videos assume a limited reserve framework.  However, much of the content is neutral to the type of implementation regime used.

Monetary Policy (part 1)
Monetary Policy (part 4)
Monetary Policy (part 2)
Monetary Policy (part 5)
Monetary Policy (part 3)
Monetary Policy (part 6)

Monetary Policy in An Ample Reserve Framework:  (4.6)

Monetary Policy in An Ample Reserve Framework

The Loanable Funds Market:  (4.7)

Loanable Funds Market (Part 1)
Loanable Funds Market (Part 2)
The Crowding Out Effect

The Money Market versus the Loanable Funds Market:  (4.5 and 4.7)

A Juxtaposition of the Money Market and the Loanable Funds Market
The Money Market and the Nominal Interest Rate

Both models are about interest rate determination, but when do you use one versus the other?

Why we associate the Nominal Interest Rate with the Money Market.

The Fed

Their Target

Their Mandates

Advanced Monetary Policy

Why the Fed has an Inflation Target of 2%: Not Higher, Not Lower 
Understanding What the Fed is Thinking - Monetary Policy Explained 
How the Fed Uses r-star to Navigate the the Soft Landing (Monetary Policy and the AS/AD Model) 
How the Fed Interprets Their "Dual" Mandate 
R-star and Restrictive Monetary Policy (In the Short-Run and Long-Run) 
Restrictive Monetary Policy and the Neutral Rate (Using the AS/AD Model) 
Understanding Monetary Policy and Fed Actions (Soup to Nuts) 
Accommodative Monetary Policy and r-start (Analyzing Fed Policy using the AS/AD Model) 

Infographics: Limited Reserve Framework (Slot NOtes)

Infographic - MP - Limited Res Fmwk (slot note).pdf
When Reserves are added to the Banking System
Infographic - MP - Lim Res Fmwk - Big 8 (Slot Notes).pdf
When Reserves are added to the Banking System(The Big Eight Questions)
Infographic - MP - Lim Res Fmwk (Cont) - Big 8 (Slot Note).pdf
When Reserves are removed from the Banking System  (The Big Eight Questions
Infographic - Money Creation - Slot Notes.pdf

Money Creation - Deposit (Slot Note)

Infographic - The Fed and Money Creation - Slot Notes.pdf

Money Creation - The Fed (Slot Note)

Infographic - The Money Market - slot notes.pdf

The Money Market (Slot Note)

Infographic - Big_Picture_Economy.pdf

Monetary Policy - Big Picture (Slot Note)

Infographic - Monetary Policy & the Economy - Slot Notes.pdf

Monetary Policy - Cause & Effect (Slot Note)

Infographics: Ample Reserve Framework

Infographic - Ample Reserve Framework.pdf
Ample Reserve Framework (An Introduction)
Infographic - Monetary Policy and the Economy (Ample Reserves).pdf
Monetary Policy & The Economy (Ample Reserve Framework)
Infographic - The Demand for Reserves Curve.pdf
The Demand for Reserves Curve
Infographic - The Conceptual Demand for Reserves Curve.pdf
A Conceptual Demand for Reserves Curve
Infographic - A Deep Dive Into the Demand for Reserves Curve.pdf
A Deep Dive into the Demand for Reserves Curve

Infographics: General for Financial SEctor Unit

Infographic - Money - Slot Note.pdf
Money: Its Definition & Its Functions (Slot Note)
Infographic - The Loanable Funds Market - Slot Note.pdf

The Loanable Funds Market (Slot Note)

Infographics (Filled In and Additional Infographics)

Everything you need to know about a concept
Infographic - A History of Money.pdf
Our Money Story
Infographic - The Fed and Money Creation.pdf
Money Expansion: The Fed
Infographic - The Money Market.pdf
The Money Market
Infographic - Money.pdf
Money: Its Definition and Its Functions
Infographic - How withdraws lead to money destruction.pdf
Money Destruction: A Withdrawal
Infographic - The Loanable Funds Market.pdf
The Loanable Funds Market
Infographic - Money Creation - Initiated by A Deposit.pdf
Money Expansion: Deposit
Infographic - The balance sheet infographics (multiple).pdf
Summary of the Major Scenarios
Infographic - Monetary Policy & the Economy.pdf
Monetary Policy and the Economy
Infographic - One Bank as the Entire Banking System.pdf
A One Bank Banking System
Infographic - Big_Picture_Economy.pdf
Monetary Policy: Big Picture

Knowledge Gap Finders (Questions ONly)

KGF1 - Questions only.pdf
KGF4 - Questions only.pdf
KGF2 - Questions only.pdf
KGF5 - Questions only.pdf
KGF3 - Questions only.pdf


Synchronous Block Classes

(Perhaps the best thing to watch if you miss class)
Money Creation (Part 1)
Money Creation (Part 1)
Loanable Funds Mkt and Money Destruction (Part 1)
The Loanable Funds Market & Money Destruction (Part 1)
Money Creation (Part 2 - The Fed) Block 7
Money Creation (Part 2)
Money Destruction (Part 2 - the Fed)
Money Destruction (Part 2)
The Money Market (& Money Creation Part 3)
The Money Mkt & Money Creation (Part 3)
Monetary Policy (Big Picture) Block 7
Monetary Policy (Big Picture)

Proficiency Scales (Unit 3)

Proficiency Scales - Unit 3v2.pdf

The first 2 columns of this Unit Guide are part of the College Board's Unit 3.  The last 3 columns of the Unit Guide on the right makeup the College Boards Unit 4.